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Sandy Hugen, Sandy Hugen Hypnotherapy

MBF Member Profile

Sandy Hugen, Sandy Hugen Hypnotherapy
Sandy Hugen, Sandy Hugen Hypnotherapy

About Sandy Hugen

Sandy is a Certified Hypnotherapist who specialises in helping people quit smoking, achieve their ideal weight and manage trauma using hypnotherapy and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming).

  • Certified with Australian Institute of Therapeutic Hypnosis

  • Registered with the American Board of Hypnotherapy

  • Healing Touch Practitioner (Australian Foundation for Healing Touch Inc)

  • Certified TBT Practitioner

About Sandy Hugen Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is an effective tool to help people quit smoking as it removes the subconscious patterns and triggers, which then makes it easy for them to become a non-smoker without the nasty withdrawals that people generally associate with nicotine withdrawal.

Clients can look forward to better health, more energy improved fitness, financial savings and peace of mind.

Learn more about Sandy Hugen Hypnotherapy here:

Contact details

a/ Cnr High and Range Streets, Wauchope, 2446

m/ 0411 44 33 14


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