The Annual Membership Fee Is Now Due.
The MBF is a very supportive & interactive forum, where you can:
Address immediate issues and concerns relating to your business
Team up with alliance partners
Provide and receive referrals
Access professional development targeted specifically for home and micro sized businesses
Find support and advice from businesses owners with similar challenges
Access industry experts and specialists.
Have fun at the friendliest network in town!
So, don’t delay, renew your membership today.
If you have any questions concerning your Membership Fee, please contact our Treasurer – Glenda
Hamilton – on 0428 858 292 or on
Please note the following meeting dates for 2016:
Friday 5th February 2016
Friday 1s April 2016 (AGM)
Friday 3th June 2016
Friday 5th August 2016
Friday 14th October 2016
Friday 2nd December 2016
Looking forward to liaising with you in 2016
Glenda Hamilton
Microbusiness Forum
0428 858 292