Let's get through this together.

As the world continues to feel the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we know that small businesses are among those with the greatest challenges. Our members and the small business community are our number one priority during this challenging time. Micro Business Forum (MBF) is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. The Prime Minister announced a more stringent social distancing measure recently. The new rule will restrict social distancing with an indoor limit of one person for every four square metres. Port Macquarie Golf Club and MBF will be challenged to hold our 3rd April meeting.
We have decided that MBF face-to-face events in April will be cancelled and that includes coffee connect.
Our purpose at MBF as a long standing business network is to provide support, education and networking so small businesses can succeed and we want to do all we can to help you set up for continued success.
Here’s how we can help you.
It is unfortunate that we have to cancel our 3rd April meeting. This unusual situation presents the best time for you to invest in professional and business development and we do not want you to be missing out on that education despite our meeting being cancelled.
We are fortunate that Veronica Lind, MBF's Vice-President has converted one of her modern marketing workshops in Melbourne to a webinar. Veronica has kindly opened her webinar to MBF so that small business owners can learn how to stay in the game, embrace the opportunities in the marketplace and ride the fast changing market conditions - coronavirus or not. She will share the three pillars to grow your business connections, build pipeline and secrets to selling without selling.
The Zoom webinar is on Friday 27 March from 11am AEDT and cost $30. You get one hour presentation and one hour one-to-one consultation. That’s gold especially if you can get most of your business and marketing questions answered during the consult. Those who have paid for MBF’s 3rd April meeting need not pay for this webinar. You will automatically be included into this webinar.
Registration - http://bit.ly/thrive-melbourne
You do not need a Zoom account to attend the webinar. Zoom, however, is a very useful tool to have online meetings especially now when face to face meetings are limited. I can offer help to anyone who needs to be setup for Zoom. Please contact me on email president@microbusinessforum.org.au or phone 0410420799.
Click on this link to find useful information on the Coronavirus and support for business - https://www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au/get-help/covid-19-coronavirus-information-small-business-owners
Face to face meetings may be limited now but that doesn’t stop you from connecting. Check out our members on MBF's website (https://www.microbusinessforum.org.au/members) and connect with them on the phone, via email, LinkedIn or their Facebook business page.
We will continue to update you on MBF's actions during COVID-19 (coronavirus). If you have any questions or suggestions to help small businesses through this period, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Meanwhile, invest your time and resources on things that will give you the most impact and more importantly, stay safe.
Connect again soon,
Barbara Smith
President, Micro Business Forum